Thursday, May 17, 2012

Project Pregnancy Prep

    In preparation for TTC, I am reading What to Expect Before You're Expecting. Although I already knew the importance of good health before, during, and after pregnancy the book has educated me on just how serious this is.
     Tubal defects run in my family and my mother had several miscarriages before and after she had me.  I've been taking a prenatal vitamin high in folic acid to prevent the tubal defects.  Now my main concern --especially after what I've learned from the book-- is my weight.  I've known that I'm overweight.  I've dieted but never strictly.  In the end, I've generally just lost focus because either way I'm happy.  But since learning that being overweight during pregnancy can strongly effect your chances of miscarrying, I have a whole new motivation to get in shape.  While I am not cutting anything out of my diet completely, I am attempting to cut down on mindless snacking and focus on making all my meals more nutritious. I am also trying to log at least 45 minutes of exercise a day, which should be easy since I usually walk my dogs at least 30 minutes a day. As of today, my BMI is 36.5 (YIKES!). My goal is to get it down to at least 30.3  by November, even though that still labels me as obese.  I will be tracking my progress here and would LOVE advice and feedback from my readers (assuming anyone finds any of this interesting enough to keep reading. :-P).
     Another issue I am to resolve as quickly as possible is my credit card debt.  I simply have too much of it.  I got one to build credit and to use "for emergencies only."  Then I needed it to cover my tuition and books.  There were a few times I was short on money and really needed groceries.  Then, the nail in the coffin, I used it to pay for my gym membership.  I kept paying for it thinking if I was spending money on it it would encourage me to work out.  Turns out, I'm just THAT lazy, and now that I've moved farther away from the gym, I just never go.  So aside from making regular payments above the minimum required, I will be canceling my gym membership.
     How are (or did) some of you preparing (or prepared) for your pregnancy physically and financially?

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