Wednesday, May 16, 2012

Here We Go....

     It's funny how I've been so excited to start this blog and now that it's time to actually write I have no idea where to begin.  Please forgive me while I suppose I should introduce myself.  My name is Crystal, but a lot of people call me Pie.  I live with my boyfriend, Brad, and I work full-time at a pet boutique and spa.  But the most important thing you should know about me --and the reason I'm writing this blog in the first place-- is that I want to be a mother more than anything in the world.  Some little girls fantasize about being doctors or lawyers or princesses when they grow up.  I always just wanted to be a mommy.  Folding laundry, changing diapers, and doing dishes is my dream job and I've finally found the man I want to do it all with.
 The best part is that he wants to do it with me too. We are planning to get married sometime next year (I'm hoping for early May) and we plan to start TTC in November.  And that's where this blog comes in....
     You see, I want to be the best wife and mother I can, and what better way to accomplish that than to  share my hopes, fears, and experiences with other parents (or parents-to-be) and receive their feedback?  So I invite you to keep reading, leave comments, ask questions, and hopefully get a chuckle or two.  Also, please introduce yourselves!

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