Thursday, April 18, 2013

Life is total madness....

     It's been so long since I've written.  Every week I check all of the other blogs I follow but fail to update my own.  Life has been total madness.
    At the end of February my land lady informed us that our apartment no longer allowed pets and that we had five days to get all of ours out.  This means we have to move.  Luckily we found friends and family to watch our two cats and three dogs while we searched for a new place to call home.  It took longer than we hoped, but we found a condo that would allow the dogs (I didn't mention the cats....).  We are scheduled to move at the end of the month.
     We thought we were home free.  Then my boss informed me that she was not allowing me to work in the pet salon after the end of the month because she was concerned for the safety of my baby.  That is crap.  She is not concerned, she has hired new people who want a full schedule which she couldn't provide them while I was still working.  It is illegal for her to force me on maternity leave, howerve, I am an independent contractor so if I push the issue all she has to do is fire me and then I'm stuck with no job and no uneployment.  She wants me to come back to work three weeks after my son is born.  Excuse my language, but what the fuck?!  My only hope right now is to pick up as many hours at the register as possible (she's still allowing me to work the boutique) and pray that I can get enough grooming clients at home that I can cover my bills.  Brad still isn't working consistantly and it's driving me nuts.  It's not his fault.  His company is just slow.  Every week they promise him work will start soon.  Every week we hope.
     So that is life right now.  My son is due in one short month, I have to move in just over a week, and I'm not sure how we will be paying our bills.  But all I can do is hope and try my best to plan.  Wish me luck!

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