Thursday, January 17, 2013

22 weeks 6 days.

     I love that this is how much life is measured now.  By weeks and days, by trimesters.  I can't believe how quickly this is flying by.  From what I've read, Liam only weighs a little over a pound now; but he already kicks so hard he can move my whole belly.  He usually does this when I'm in the tub and turn on the tap to add more water.  I think the sound of the water gets him going.  The first time I ever felt him move was in the tub at 12 or 13 weeks.  I was refilling the water to get it just a little warmer and all of a sudden I felt something poke me from the inside just below my belly button.  I wasn't sure if it was him or not, but I was afraid that I might be cooking him so I jumped out of the tub. 
     I always wondered how women could miss the feeling of being pregnant once the had their precious babies in their arms.  Now I think I get it.  In general I've had an easy pregnancy.  Even as much as I bitched about morning sickness it wasn't half as bad as it could have been.  I feel pretty awesome.  I'm growing a human after all.  How cool is that?  I feel pretty much exactly like I did prepregnancy. But what I will miss is feeling my son wiggle, kick, punch, and squirm in my belly.  I imagine I might forget how awesome that was once I get to watch him do all of those things.  But it is completely natural now to feel this other person moving inside of me.  Brad just recently felt Liam move for the first time and thought it was awesome.  But I feel EVERYTHING and I'm the only one who can say that.  It's like my special bond with him and I just adore it.
     It's getting to be crunch time as far as baby prep goes and I am completely slacking.  I haven't cleared out our room to make room for the baby.  I haven't finished gathering the addresses for my baby shower invites.  I haven't finished any of the hospital forms they say I should have finished weeks ago.  I haven't even called to reserve my spot in a birthing class.  I've attempted to make the task of preparing for the baby a little more manageable by making an actual to do list to follow and check things off as I go.  This has helped a little but I'm still a mess.  But at least I've gotten things started.
     The only thing I am TOTALLY on top of right now is diaper collecting.  Brad and I settled on using cloth diapers before I got pregnant and now that I get to buy them I am completely obsessed.  I've got prefolds, pockets, one size, you name it!  I'm trying to focus on collecting a variety so I can find the one that works best for Liam when he finally arrives.  So far my favorite (which just arrived in the mail today) is the BestBottom diaper.  It's a one size (meaning I can use it from birth until potty training) and the inserts snap in, so I can reuse the shell as long as it's clean.  I can't decide if it's sad or not that the highlight of my day is playing with diapers....
     Anyway, back to my to do list now!  Wish me luck!
PS: Any advice on preparing for baby is totally welcome!!!!

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