Thursday, August 9, 2012

Everything is falling into place....

Me and baby Jesse. <3
    I got to meet my latest nephew, Jesse, over the weekend.  Brad and I went to visit his mommy and I got to hang out with her and the boys (Christine and Eric had a twenty-month-old as well) while Brad worked on her car. I've actually never held a baby as young as Jesse (two and a half-weeks old at the time), and I LOVED it.  I forgot how much I missed babies.  Even the diaper changes made me happy.  In addition to meeting the new addition, I finally got his older brother, James, to warm up to me.  He has always loved Uncle Brad, who lived with them for a few months when James was still an infant.  But he has cried whenever we made eye contact for too long.  In the comfort of his own home he was completely different.  I got lots of hugs and slobbery kisses.  It was magical for me.
    Brad has started training for his new job this week!  After months of waiting to hear something --ANYTHING!-- he finally got called in for training and he should be ready for work in a week or so.  This is huge for us.  This job will give him (us, once we're married) health and dental benefits, and he will be making enough that I can stay home.  I'm practically counting down the days until I can quit my job. 
    This has also meant our schedule must change.  Brad has been able to sleep as late as he wants for the past few months while I've had to get up at 6 am to take care of the animals and get ready for work.  After I got home we would spend a few hours together until I fell to sleep on the couch, and Brad would wake me up to go to bed when he finally got tired several hours later.  Now we both get up at 5am (NOOO!!!!) and I pour him his coffee and warm him up something for breakfast while he regains consciousness.  While gets ready I pack his lunch and make sure he has his sunscreen and bottles of water.  A little after 7 I get a quick kiss and an "I love you," and then he's out the door.  This routine will start even earlier once he starts working.  I always used to make fun of my mom for waking up with my dad every day and making his coffee (and his breakfast, and his lunch...) before he left.  "He's a grown man," I would say. "He can make his own sandwich at four in the morning!"  Now that my dad has helped get Brad a job at the same company, I understand.  It's not just about doing something nice for him.  It's about showing support and gratitude for what he is doing for ME.  In a few months, I'll be able to stay at home and still live more comfortably than I did when I worked to support both of us.  And in time, I will be able to enjoy every beautiful moment of our child while he slaves away long days in terrible weather to keep us fed and happy.  He is blessing me with the life I have always wanted.
    I am hoping that now that this job is falling into place that other things will follow.  Brad's best friend --who has been impossibly understanding and supportive of our choice to have a family and who showed great concern for me when we lost the last pregnancy-- always says we will get a baby when the time is right.  I hope and pray that now is that time.  I think trying to conceive will be less stressful now that his job is getting started and will take a lot off of my mind.
    Wish us luck!


  1. Jesse is adorable and what a sweet name!

    Oh, and goodluck..sending you lots of baby dust and happy thoughts!
